Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Going to Win in 010

Baseball season is upon us and I am terribly excited to be a Cubs fan. Saw a picture of Geo Soto today (my brother's namesake might I add) and the man is looking terrific. Seems as if he put down the pizzas and Pepsis and got himself on a diet worthy of a 1 time All Star catcher. Being a Cubs fan is never particularly easy (as any talk radio show will tell you), but I happen to be a realistic optimist. When assessing last year, I fail to see the doom and gloom that plagued the minds and hearts of the drunken Cubbie faithful. If you want to be really honest about looking at last year it comes down to the injuries. Milton was banged up. As was Aramis, Soriano, and the formerly size 54 pant Geo Soto. While every team battles injuries, it is the Cubs' record last year that actually gives me hope. Everything that could have possibly went wrong last year went wrong and we still finished above 500. Although Big George in NYC wouldn't accept that record, it does not change the fact that we cold keep our heads above water while being drowned by the injury predator. Perhaps this year isn't the year for my guys, but I have a feeling that this year will be more akin to 2008 than 09. Cue the Steve Goodman song.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Infinite Wisdon of Chicago Sports Fans

For those of you who do not inhabit the city of smelly onions, let me preface this post by saying that every day of every season is a free-for-all for Chicago sports "fans" to vent their ignorance of sports. I spent four years in Ohio proclaiming my love for this beautiful city on a frost bitten lake, but after only half a year back there are some things about the fellows who live here that are irking me.

First, Da Bears. I will never claim to be an expert on football. Particularly in a city that lives and breathes everything Bears. There will be a segment devoted to the Blackhawks on the radio and some guys will call in to talk about the Bears. Naturally, the hosts oblige due to the city's love for GSH's team.

However, there is one point that I want to contest about the complaints coming in to radio stations and those being perpetuated by the Chicago newspapers. And this complaint revolves around the coaching status of Lovie Smith. One of the major complaints about Lovie this year was his lack of emotions on the sideline. However, I can't remember the same kind of complaints being spewed in 2006 when he took our team to the Superbowl. It seems like we want another "Coach." And no one loves the 85 Bears as much as I do. I grew up in a household where a painting that my father had commissioned to be made of the 85 Bears defense hangs above the living room couch. So not too many people love the fiery Ditka as much as I do. But that doesn't mean that Lovie's style doesn't or can't work. It just means that he does it his way and Da Coach did it his way. Lets not forget also that the 85 Bears team could have been coached by my grandmother and still would have been in the running to win it all. Additionally, I am curious as to what difference does an emotional coach make. I mean a coach's demeanor doesn't necessarily have to dictate his players' attitudes.

Next, when assessing the 2009-10 season I am curious as to what the critics think about the Bears' actual chances of wining the games they lost. When looking back at the schedule the only team that they lost to that they maybe should have defeated would have been maybe the Falcons. Other than that they lost to teams that either made the playoffs or just simply had better teams than them. In fact the Bears beat two teams that they had no business beating in the Steelers and the Vikings. Just look at the spreads from those two games.

In closing, you can't win without the horses. If your line can't get the push on either side of the ball then you're not going to win the game. That's an age old saying and it rings true and will ring true for years to come. The game has evolved in many ways, but winning the battle of the line will never stop being relevant. If nothing else with their O-line this year the Bears should thank their lucky stars that Jared Allen didn't drill Jay-C into the ground and end his career.

I'm not saying that Lovie is perfect, or even necessarily the best coach for Da Bears. But what I am saying is that if you're going to provide reasons for axing him than you probably want to come up with unrecycled criticisms.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Summer

"I know you're gunna miss me. We go together like Nike Airs and crisp tees."

The world is moving fast these days. I often feel like my life is somewhat of an enigma (everything you read next may make you question my understanding of the word). For example, I love to eat unhealthy amounts of food. I know that it is not always the best decision to do so, but I choose to do it anyway. I have this thing where if I see an entire pizza on the table I must eat it. I remember I was in school the other day after work and my Asst. Principal called me down to the office as I was in the middle of eating a tuna sandwich. So naturally I went down to the office without finishing my sandwich to see what was up. And the entire time I'm in the office I couldn't stop thinking about the tuna sandwich. I wasn't terribly ravenous, but it was killing me that I had not finished the sandwich. Furthermore, my hunger was perfectly satiated once I finished the sandwich. R.Bens never believes me when I tell her this, but when I order a sandwich I want the entire sandwich and not one bite less. I have offered to buy her an entire other sandwich before sharing even one bite with her.

It seems like many things in my life go that way. I get into something and then I do it overboard. Anyone who is close to me knows that I don't have an off button when it comes to breaking basketballs. Gaining control of my sense of control will be key to the future. I firmly believe that life is about, as Al McGuire said, "walking barefoot in wet grass." I've been reading about the Kennedy family and people closest to Jack Kennedy were always struck by how he had this dual personality where he could potentially be a carefree man who roamed the globe in pursuit of intellectual and spiritual happiness, or he could be someone who devoted his life to gaining status and power and would eventually become the President of the United States. We all know which road he chose, but is it the right one? But more importantly, did Jack's destiny have to be mutually exclusive entities? Can someone live bowling balls to the walls in both his or her personal and professional life?

Either way winter is always cold in Chicago and the summer is usually warm. Your days will be days no matter what time of year it is. So sleep when you're dead and don't forget to go to the lake when the skies are clear.

Friday, November 13, 2009

ExPAMdable and HELMSessary

So I've been thinking for awhile that Pam Beasley on NBC's The Office no longer has a good use or purpose on the show. Prior to the Halpbert marriage Pam was both funny at times as well as cutesie with Jim. I miss the days where cute Pam would make a humble remark that would be fitting for the particular scene as well as cuttingly funny. Pre-season four was a golden era for her that has now been lost.

I would say that Beasley need to loosen the collar a little bit and play into the humble Pammy that we all came to know and love. It would definitely endear her more to fans again and allow for her quirks to be better appreciated.

Luckily for the show Ed Helms (Oberlin 96') has elevated his game. His sense of humor and delivery is a perfect fit for the continuously changing landscape of The Office. The scene in which he and Pam make a trip for an in person sales call and he's singing the names of the offices and the floor numbers of a particular building is priceless. Helms clearly has a good sense of the type of humor that works for Office fans. The Carell, Wilson, Helms show will definitely keep people watching for years to come and I would love for Pam to be apart of that too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Married With No Prenup

So I've been deep into the game now and CPS is getting its money's worth. I've been spending pretty much all my time working on this school thing. It's tough, but something I definitely enjoy. I never thought I'd be as tightly wound as I am right now. I'm constantly thinking and considering things, which is a new thing for me because I consciously try to spend as little time contemplating as possible, especially ideas of substance. Consequently, I'm gaining more and more confidence in my abilities to be productive in this world. For as much time as I've spent in school these past 17 years, it seems like my 18th school year is finally showing something I'll be able to directly use in my life. Before the last couple of weeks I learned things that I mostly enjoyed and chose to learn. And I was fortunate enough to learn from a great group of professors and teachers. As of late though, my learning experience is one of trying to do the best that I can do within the confines of 1224 minutes that we get every day.

Having said all of that I am terribly grateful to have my partner in crime to come home to every night. Without her I'd likely never come home. I'd be Dwight Schrute. Although she may prefer me to be Rainn sometimes, because it would be pretty cool to date a movie star, RB is the perfect gal with whome to spend my time, sans stress of course. So yes, I'm married to the job right now, but that doesn't take away from everything else I'm doing these days.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some times you feel like a Yup

So tomorrow will be my first day on payroll as a full time teacher at George Rogers Clark Elementary School. I will be teaching students from the 6th-8th grades in social studies as well as a class in writing and a class called Reading 180. Mr. Monroe will be my alias while in the school for those of you who don't already know.

Due to the fact that this is a paid position, I now technically qualify as a "professional" teacher. And given that I am young and live in the city of Chicago I am also a "young urban." These characterizations do not make me happy. I now live in a world in which exercising, drinking San Pellegrino, and walking a dog that is too big for my apartment are the norm. Gone are my days of semi-unemployment and comfort bumming around the city every weekday and freakin weekend. No longer will I spend my pay days walking in the sun and rain, but I must now work straight through them or PD the heck out of the day. My bank account may subsequently die from a lack of activity. It typically expects constant and unabashed losses.

So put up your micro brewed beer that no one has heard of and few care to drink and toast to Mr. Monroe for his entrance into the life of a yuppie.

Monday, October 26, 2009

One day, all teachers will get placed in Chicago

Although I was skeptical of my chances for employment the further we went into the 2009 school year in Chicago, I must say (with a self-congratulatory tone might I add) that I accepted employment this morning at George Rogers Clark on Chicago's West Side.

I will be teaching social studies as well as reading and writing. I do not anticipate this to be a small task, but I must also confess that this is exactly the position that I was looking for. I couldn't be more well equipped to teach these subjects in that they are the ones at which I recently excelled as a student.

Finally, my dream can be lived out. Big shout out to the people working downtown in Teach For America Chicago. They have done quite a bit to ensure that the title of this blog post comes true.

I remember listening to a story told by Charles Barkley about a dinner he had with Ramsey Lewis. Regarding fame and wealth, the Chicago-born legend (and graduate of the same high school as my father), told the Round Mound of Rebound that once you get to the top it's your duty to send that elevator back down. And while I have accomplished next to nada in my short experience on this earth, I do think that teaching will at least allow me to send the elevator back down from my first floor vantage point and pick up children and help them get to the top themselves.