Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Married With No Prenup

So I've been deep into the game now and CPS is getting its money's worth. I've been spending pretty much all my time working on this school thing. It's tough, but something I definitely enjoy. I never thought I'd be as tightly wound as I am right now. I'm constantly thinking and considering things, which is a new thing for me because I consciously try to spend as little time contemplating as possible, especially ideas of substance. Consequently, I'm gaining more and more confidence in my abilities to be productive in this world. For as much time as I've spent in school these past 17 years, it seems like my 18th school year is finally showing something I'll be able to directly use in my life. Before the last couple of weeks I learned things that I mostly enjoyed and chose to learn. And I was fortunate enough to learn from a great group of professors and teachers. As of late though, my learning experience is one of trying to do the best that I can do within the confines of 1224 minutes that we get every day.

Having said all of that I am terribly grateful to have my partner in crime to come home to every night. Without her I'd likely never come home. I'd be Dwight Schrute. Although she may prefer me to be Rainn sometimes, because it would be pretty cool to date a movie star, RB is the perfect gal with whome to spend my time, sans stress of course. So yes, I'm married to the job right now, but that doesn't take away from everything else I'm doing these days.

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