Monday, October 26, 2009

One day, all teachers will get placed in Chicago

Although I was skeptical of my chances for employment the further we went into the 2009 school year in Chicago, I must say (with a self-congratulatory tone might I add) that I accepted employment this morning at George Rogers Clark on Chicago's West Side.

I will be teaching social studies as well as reading and writing. I do not anticipate this to be a small task, but I must also confess that this is exactly the position that I was looking for. I couldn't be more well equipped to teach these subjects in that they are the ones at which I recently excelled as a student.

Finally, my dream can be lived out. Big shout out to the people working downtown in Teach For America Chicago. They have done quite a bit to ensure that the title of this blog post comes true.

I remember listening to a story told by Charles Barkley about a dinner he had with Ramsey Lewis. Regarding fame and wealth, the Chicago-born legend (and graduate of the same high school as my father), told the Round Mound of Rebound that once you get to the top it's your duty to send that elevator back down. And while I have accomplished next to nada in my short experience on this earth, I do think that teaching will at least allow me to send the elevator back down from my first floor vantage point and pick up children and help them get to the top themselves.

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